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Vintage tinplate 0 gauge live steam: Trains at the MannheimDampf 2015 steam festival
Vintage tinplate 0 gauge live steam at the Kürnbach Steam Festival 2015
Vintage tinplate 0 gauge toytrains: Bing live steam at the MannheimDampf exhibition
Vintage tinplate 0 gauge live steam: Glow Wine Steam at the Bing Museum
Vintage tinplate 0 gauge live steam: Bassett-Lowke Gresley Mogul
Vintage tinplate 0 gauge live steam: Carette storkleg at the Kürnbach Steam festival 2004
Vintage tinplate 0 gauge toytrains: Clockwork and live steam in Schriesheim
Vintage tinplate 0 gauge live steam: Märklin 4000 LNER test runs
0 gauge tinplate live steam Bing loco with Heusinger valve gear in action!
Vintage tinplate 0 gauge live steam: Bowman 300 tank loco
Vintage tinplate 0 gauge live steam: Bing loco from 1912
Vintage tinplate o gauge live steam: Märklin E4920